
Checks in the Property Register reveal additional senior Bulgarian officials as clients of the construction company Arteks who have acquired apartments at below-market prices. This became clear after Bivol processed the records for all companies related to Plamen Miryanov and… Continue Reading…

Belene NPPCommentsLeadingThe B-files

The Balkanleaks platform for anonymous sharing recently received the integral text (in Bulgarian – editor’s note) of an interim version of the report drafted by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) under a contract with the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH),… Continue Reading…

Belene NPPEnergyInvestigationsLeading

Bivol has repeatedly investigated and published stories about criminal actions or inaction related to the construction of the Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in Bulgaria’s Danube town of Belene. Many billions of State money have sunk in this “black hole” and… Continue Reading…

Belene NPPEnergyInvestigationsLeading

Russian citizen Konstantin Christie (pictured) has been arbitral tribunal administrative secretary in the arbitration case Bulgaria’s National Electric Company (NEC) vs Russia’s Atomstroyexport in the dispute on the Belene Nuclear Power Plant (NPP). This scandalous fact emerges from the pages… Continue Reading…

Belene NPPInvestigationsLeading

The international law firm White & Case that, as we recently learned, has represented Bulgaria’s National Electric Company (NEC) against Russia’s Atomstroyexport (ASE) in the unsuccessful case for 600 million euro in the Arbitration Court in Geneva, has a contract… Continue Reading…
