AnalysisLeadingMonica gate

56,000 levs – this is the amount for which Monica Stanisheva (former Yosifova) is suing Bivol for damage inflicted on her by publications about the grant that her company received from the European Parliament. The civil suit she filed against… Continue Reading…

CommentsMonica gateThe B-files

The company of Monica Yosifova – Stanisheva (wife of the leader of the Bulgarian Socialist Party and the Party of European Socialists, Sergei Stanishev – editor’s note) “Active Group” Ltd. has accumulated a solid income from advertising and PR during… Continue Reading…

Bivol in the mediaFreedom of speechInvestigationsMonica gateThe B-files

Luxury trips at the expense of dictatorships, servitude to autocrats and censorship of inconvenient journalists in the eve of the election of a new Secretary General of the Council of Europe – the prestigious German magazine “Der Spiegel” sheds light… Continue Reading…


The Swiss Network of the “Cocaine King” Friday, April 4, 2014 Mario Togni, Le Courrier, Geneve, 04.04.2014· Money Laundering; the clan of Bulgarian Evelin Banev, sentenced in 2013 in his country, had put millions in Swiss banks and had apartments in… Continue Reading…

AnalysisMonica gateThe B-files

MEP Michael Gehler asking question in the European Parliament about the 60K grant for the wife of the PES president Six department heads in the European Parliament have formed an “independent panel” to decide to whom to give money from European taxpayers’ pockets…. Continue Reading…

AnalysisMonica gateThe B-files

Three months ago, Bivol revealed that the European Parliament has financed a company of Monica Stanisheva – “Active Group” – as a beneficiary in the project “How Do We Understand the European Parliament.” It turns out that the value of… Continue Reading…

InvestigationsMonica gateThe B-files

Monica Yosifova-Stanisheva has relinquished the infamous European grant with an email sent on January 23. This was confirmed by the European Parliament’s Directorate General for Communication. The lawyers of the Directorate are preparing documents for the termination of the contract… Continue Reading…

InvestigationsMonica gateThe B-files

German MEP says “the deal could be tainted.” The contract with the wife of PES’ president will be investigated by the Budgets Committee of the European Parliament Active Group, the company of Monica Yosifova, is giving up the scandalous project… Continue Reading…

InvestigationsMonica gateThe B-files

PES President Sergei Stanishev and his spouse Monica Yosifova On June 15, 2012, Monica Yosifova has signed on behalf of the company “Active Group” a declaration that she was not in conflict of interest. The declaration is part of the… Continue Reading…

CommentsMonica gateShort StoriesThe B-filesTrolls gate

Copy of part of the contract between the European Parliament and the Active Group company of Monica Yosifova, obtained by Bivol based on Regulation 1049/2001 The example of the Bulgarian Socialist Party, BSP, and its internet trolls pushing in a… Continue Reading…
